
Privacy Data Protection

The protection of your personal data is important to us. Therefore, we process your information exclusively in accordance with the applicable legislation, namely the GDPR, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the Electronic Commerce Act (ETA). In this statement we inform you about the most important aspects of the processing of your data on our website.

What happens to your data after you contact us?

When you write to us via the form on our website or send us an email, we store your data for the period required to process it so that we can respond to your inquiry. We will not share this information with third parties without your express consent.

Storage of your data

Please note that in order to facilitate the process of communication with you, we store your IP address, as well as your names, address, email address. We need the data provided by you in order to fulfill our obligations to you. We do not provide this data to third parties. Upon completion of communication, we store all data until the expiration of the project.


Our website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are loaded into the browser and stored on your end device. They are harmless. We use them to keep our site easy to use. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. They allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit our site.
We use cookies based on Art. 4a of the Electronic Commerce Act (ETA) and Article 6, para. 1 (f) GDPR.
If you do not agree to this, you can refuse storage by setting your browser to inform you when a site wants to store cookies on your device, and you accept them or not. Please note that disabling cookies in your browser may limit the functionality of our site for you.

Newsletter, mailing

You can subscribe to our newsletter / mailing by filling out the form on our website. For this purpose, we need your email address and your consent to send you the relevant messages.
You can unsubscribe from our newsletter / mailing at any time. Please send your refusal to the following e-mail address: We will immediately delete your data in connection with the sending of our newsletter / mailing.

Your rights

You have the right to access your data that we process, as well as the right to correct, delete (“forget” right), restrict processing, data portability, withdraw consent and object.
If you believe that our processing of your data violates the provisions on personal data protection or if you believe that your rights under these provisions have been violated in any way, you can contact the competent administrative authority. In Bulgaria, this is the Commission for Personal Data Protection.

Contact us in one of the following ways:
Address: Sofia, 7 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
Phone: +359 898 266 880
(+359) 898 266 880
©2020 Project No КП-06-Н37/14. All rights reserved.